My life

I am 33 years old and live with my wife and son in the middle of Schleswig-Holstein.

Profession/technology/model making

Inspired by my father, I have been involved with technical subjects since my earliest childhood. Both RC model airplanes and plastic models have been a constant companion in my free time ever since and gave me an early orientation for my career choice. As a trained industrial mechanic, master craftsman and trainer, I can now pass on a great deal of my experience to young people and get them interested in technology. In recent years, motorsport (touring cars) has also been an integral part of my life and has offered exciting insights into a world of speed.
Through the various tasks from my job and hobby, my know-how naturally also grew. Over time, CAD knowledge and the basics of additive manufacturing were added, which led me to the projects shown here.


I love everything that travels by air and land, smells of gasoline and oil and has a corresponding sound :)  Unfortunately, not everything fits into the display case at home and so of course a scale model is needed!


I would like to present my projects and models and, if possible, offer them for sale in the foreseeable future. If you are interested just write to me!